Q-nomy supported BECU’s customer experience enhancement process in capturing, analyzing, and managing data & procedures.
About BECU
BECU, formerly Boeing Employees' Credit Union, is Washington's largest credit union. It is a member-owned, not-for-profit financial cooperative with more than 850,000 members. BECU provides members a full range of financial services using various service channels – including 43 branches.
The Challenge
BECU’s challenge was to improve the customer-experience of those visiting their branches. Providing the best customer-experience possible is imperative due to the nature of credit unions being member-owned.
A key issue for BECU was the difficulty of capturing and analyzing the in-branch experience. BECU approached numerous vendors seeking a solution. Q-nomy was chosen as it met their needs by providing the best suitable solution.
The Solution
Q-nomy provided a complete solution, comprising of Q-Flow® Customer Experience Optimization platform with customization based on BECU’s needs. The pilot included 4 branches and shortly after, the remaining 39 branches went live.
The software currently operating at BECU includes:
- Q-nomy's online appointment scheduling, which enables customers to book appointments using a self-service web application.
- FIFO queue management, which handles random walk-ins.
- Q-nomy's Alert Engine, which provides managers with real-time alerts regarding customer service issues that require their attention.
- Exchange Bridge, which is used for appointment-data integration.
- Staff Planning module, which produces staffing timetables and supports decisions in regards to agent scheduling, budgeting, branch design and long term planning.
The Results
Only a couple of months have passed since project launch and already there are significant results for BECU:
- Average Service Time: 5.50% reduction in average service time (i.e. greater efficiency)
- Average Wait Time: 4.75% reduction in average wait times
- Improved customer satisfaction: The improved efficiency did not come at the expense of customer satisfaction, as measured in surveys – "Prompt Service" went up from 8.81 to 9.10, "Branch Network Accessibility" improved from 8.56 to 8.70, and the overall satisfaction remained high with slight improvement from 9.20 to 9.22
Nathan H., Sr. Manager, Workforce and Technology Planning at BECU, said: “We’ve had some centers really show improvements, moving their SL’s [service levels] 20-30% over 90 days by focusing on transaction type and gaining efficiencies with staffing (schedule adherence and service times) … That data we get from Q-Flow has allowed us to position staff better in order to meet demands at some of our highest volume centers.”