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Appointment Booking and Student Experience Optimization at Florida University Campuses

March 10, 2025
Appointment Booking and Student Experience Optimization at Florida University Campuses


This Florida University has 8 campuses total and experiences a highvolume of student traffic. Each day, a multitude of students turn to thecollege for support with admissions, advising, registration, financial aid, anda myriad of other services.

The Challenge

Before adopting Q-Flow, this college faced the challenge of managing its8 campuses with disparate systems for student services, leading to confusionamong staff and students alike. Recognizing the need for cohesion, the collegesought a unified system to streamline operations across all locations.

Moreover, the college aimed to modernize its communication methods byfinding a more efficient way to reach students via their mobile devices.Previously, they relied on an outdated process involving emails sent throughtheir phone provider, which proved unreliable and cumbersome.

Additionally, with a strong focus on enhancing the student experience,the college lacked a solution for gathering feedback and assessing sentiment.They desired a tool to gauge student satisfaction, monitor staff performance,and analyze data metrics effectively.


The Solution

The college partnered with Q-nomy's local systems integrator, ACFTechnologies, to enhance the campus experience for both students and staff. Theintegration of Q-nomy's Q-Flow into their daily operations marked a significantmilestone.

Initially deployed across 5 campuses, Q-Flow's success led to itsimplementation across all 8 campuses. It was crucial to seamlessly integrateQ-Flow with their existing student records system. This ensured that whenstudents checked in at the kiosk using their student ID, Q-Flow automaticallytransmitted this information to their student record system. This streamlinedprocess allowed for efficient identification of existing students, guiding themto their next steps accordingly.

The solution included these main features:

·      Online Appointment Booking

The college utilizes Q-Flow's online appointment booking system, allowing students to manage their schedules and simplify the appointment booking process. Seamlessly integrated with the college's mobile app, Q-Flow enables students to conveniently schedule appointments from their mobile devices. Additionally, students can virtually check in and join queues through the Q-Flow feature on the mobile app. This functionality not only facilitates student engagement but also provides valuable insights into appointment scheduling trends, allowing for efficient resource allocation.

·      Student Feedback

Enhancing the student experience took center stage during this project, according to the university. The college was committed to identifying areas for improvement to better serve its students. They implemented Q-Flow's Customer Feedback feature, enabling them to submit feedback from students following their service interactions. The primary objective was to gauge student sentiment across all 8 campuses. Students were invited to complete surveys and provide additional comments.

·      Surveys and Reports

In addition to gathering feedback from students, this functionality enables the college to access a wide range of reports and data, providing visibility across their 8 campuses. This encompasses staff and service appointments. Users have the flexibility to filter data to view the entire campus, focus on specific services or departments, or examine each campus individually.

·      SMS Messaging

The university adopted Q-Flow's SMS messaging system today in touch with its students. This versatile system allows the college to send various updates, appointment reminders, surveys, assessments, and more directly to students' mobile devices. With this transition to SMS messaging ,the college can ensure that its messages reach students promptly and reliably.

·      Active Ticket Limitation

This Q-Flow feature ensures efficient capacity management, preventing college staff from becoming overwhelmed by limiting the total number of tickets per service.


The Results                          

The implementation of Q-Flow at this Florida-based University hasyielded numerous accomplishments. Since integrating Q-Flow into its dailyoperations, the college has observed the following outcomes:

  • Immediate delivery of SMS messages, ensuring     reliable communication with students and instilling confidence in the     system.
  • Enhanced understanding and access to data     concerning student sentiment across all eight campuses.
  • Streamlined check-in procedures, leading to     expedited appointment bookings for student services.


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