Telecommunication service providers today are facing many challenges that are critical to the success and possible survival of their business, including effectively implementing a digital transformation strategy and providing exceptional customer experience.
Telcos are inherently digital at their core; however, not all of them have successfully digitalized their customer-facing processes. According to a report, while digital transformation indeed promises ‘improving operational efficiency’, in order to achieve it, the organization needs to implement ‘change of processes, often focusing on automating previously manual processes, using digital technologies. For example, when opening a mobile account, the process can be viewed as digitalized when the whole application process is done online’. The result of such digitalization is of course not just improved efficiency, but also better customer experience.
Optimizing the customer experience is an ever-evolving process that can make or break a telco’s ability to remain competitive. Customers will not choose to do business with a telco that provides an unsatisfying experience or poor customer service, even if the core telecom services provided are good.
Customer-centric business process management (BPM) is a digital transformation tool that manages processes where the customer is the main object, and where the KPIs are primarily centered on the customer experience (such as, customer satisfaction, waiting time, etc.).
It is clear that BPM software can help in achieving digitalization, as that is the main goal for such a system. When implemented properly, BPM can help guide the process more seamlessly to improve customer experience. However when using software that has the customer at its core, implementing tasks like collecting customer data, and using that data to provide the customer with the right resources through the appropriate channels becomes a lot easier.
As this Forrester blog post once described it, customer experience is just ‘how customers perceive their interactions with your company’. It's these interactions that BPM can make more efficient, less repetitive, quicker, and by employing a customer-centric approach, even more personalized.
At Q-nomy, we have seen many of our clients implement our Q-Flow Customer-Centric BPM solutions successfully, achieving significant and measurable improvement of KPIs relating to both operational efficiency and customer experience.